Who is Breaking Impossible?
We hope you are!
Right along with us!
But seriously - who are we?

Much like my childhood hero, Buckaroo Banzai, I've gone in many directions at once, arriving at quite a few destinations.
maker of games
Hung Kuen kung fu teacher
world traveler, mostly living abroad
lover of challenges
Favorite quote? "Nothing is so difficult as not deceiving yourself." ~ Ludwig Wittgenstein
Want to buy me a drink? Make it a Manhattan! Just one will do, thanks.
Favorite games? Well! How long you got? Because I've got a long list, but I'll insist on telling you how to make them all better!
Favorite books? Ancient Chinese history and philosophy.
Favorite movies? Science Fiction, Action, anything with a twist.
Favorite superhero? Batman! No, wait - Spiderman! Ohhh, wait. The Tick! (Didn't you say Buckaroo Banzai up there?) Geez, yeah. OK, gimme a minute. How about a top 5?
(Come on Michael, you're making me look like a schmuck.)

Lifetime martial artist and yoga practitioner interested in strength training, sports medicine and peak performance, who loves to read and hates to run.
Interests Include:
world travel
eastern philosophy
Quote: "The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday." ~US Navy SEAL motto
Drink: Sazerac. As many as you'd like to buy me. Beer is good too. I drink a lot of beer. Edit: I no longer drink alcohol--see video.
Games: I am not a gamer.
Authors: Graham Greene; Daphne du Maurier; early Hemingway; the list is long.
Movies: The Godfather (of course); Pulp Fiction; the list is even longer.
Chris Toepker is my favorite superhero. We met during Hung Kuen kung fu training, so it's a little self-selecting, but we have the craziest number of similar interests, including, but not limited to: martial arts; physical fitness; Asian studies; Asian philosophy and religion; scientific skepticism; military history; shooting; and anything outdoors related but especially just being "out there," that is, being out on the trails, etc. So, we are well prepared for any civil unrest or potential zombie apocalypse.