Adventures in Breaking Impossible
We're all about ordinary people overcoming big, difficult challenges!
Join Chris and Michael as we train, travel and, step by step, build up to The Big One(s)
Previously we walked around Lake Washington (in 24 hours), ran marathons (and ultra-marathons), flipped a tire for a mile (twice), all to prepare for our biggest, most difficult challenge yet . . .
the Hong Kong Four Trails Ultra Challenge
"It's in the Signs," our cool new exploration travel show
Being Wrong and DNFs: vLog 202305
The First Four: vLog202302
Triggers, Habits and Training: vLog 202203
Alcohol Free? vLog 202202
YouTube Channel: vLog 202201
Fitting it all in!
Radical Change: 100-Days of Total Commitment
Hails to the Rails: Newcastle Trail
Hails to the Rails: Cedar River Trail
Palouse to Cascades trail
Training, Blogging and Moving Forward
Why do it at all?!
Social Media Experiment
Issaquah Preston Snoqualmie Trail
Snoqualmie Valley Trail
East Sammamish Corridor
Hails to the Rails!
Doing the Homework - it's fun!
Snoqualmie Pass or Bust, After Action Report